In Sing, an animated musical, big named stars lend their voices to animated characters in this film about an optimistic koala named Buster Moon who will do just about anything to restore his theater to its former glory. His plan is to produce the world’s greatest talent show. A wide range of cute animal contestants overcome their doubts and critics to pursue their dreams to perform on stage. Loaded with crowd-pleasing popular tunes this lively movie will probably be a hit with both parents and kids alike.
Modern musical movie with fantastic characters and tunes .. amazingly well done!
Sing Movie Stars
Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane, Scarlett Johansson
Sing Movie Directors
Garth Jennings; Christophe Lourdelet
Movie Release Date: December 16, 2016
Genre: All Genres | Animation | Comedy | Drama | Family | Music/Musical
For the child in us all. A must-wanna see!
thank you
Sing away!
i love this free stuff
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this was great
Thank you
love it